Susanne Tunn



2012Moon Bed, Symposion bedrocks, kunstwerk krastal, Austria
Corner, exposure of a corner in the stonequarry Untersberg, Austria
2011Rota, Stallaker stonequarry, Norway
2009–2011The Key and A.D., two sculptures for COLOSSAL – Kunst Fakt Fiktion, exhibition of contemporary art in the light of the 2000th anniversary of the Varus Battle, Curator Jan Hoet, Kalkriese, DE
2004–2008Chapel, sculptural building of the chapel in the Johannes Wesling Klinikum Minden, DE
2004Table for two Couples and a Dog, Freck/Avrig, RO
2004ATEM – META, Felix-Nussbaum-Haus/Kulturgeschichtliches Museum, installation on top of the roof of Villa Schlikker and in the Anette Röhr Gallery, Osnabrück, DE
2001Sonic, sculpture for Sonsbeek 9, Lokus – Fokus, generaldirector Jan Hoet, Arnhem, NL
2000Loh and Cor, site specific sculpture and video/sound sculpture for 3 Räume – 3 Flüsse, Curator Jan Hoet, Hann. Münden, DE
1999The Mountain-Table, Alvier, CH
1998166 Betten – Peace and Noise, site specific sculpture and sound installation. Realisation for the art award on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of Peace of Westphalia, Hagen a.T.W., DE
1998Kiemen/Gills, sculptural extension of the outside area, Energie-Forum-Innovation by Frank O. Gehry, Bad Oeynhausen, DE
1998Puls/Pulse, Stadt-Art, Kunst in 56 Homöopathischen Dosen, NRW Culture Office, Grevenbroich, DE
1997Primary stones, historic orchard of the State Agricultural School, Klessheim Castle, Salzburg, AT
1996Pole stone, sculptural installation in outside area of the Energie-Forum-Innovation by Frank O. Gehry, Bad Oeynhausen, DE
1995Table of the Sea, Skagerrak, SE
1992Table of the Dessert, Sierra de los Filabres, ES
1989Beginning of the project ›5 Tables‹. Table of Thinking, Minden, DE
1988–1989Im Inneren des Baumes/Inside the tree. From Minden to Mandö. From Germany to Denmark


2009desto, Kunstraum pro arte, Hallein, AT
2006Gallery Röhr and Ripken, (together with Nan Hoover), Berlin, DE
2006Perlen aus Stein, Lechner Museum Ingolstadt, DE
2005Tisch für zwei Paare und einen Hund /Table for two Couples and a Dog, Brukenthal Museum Sibiu and park and old glass house of Brukenthal summer residence, Freck/Avrig, RO
2003Das Kabinett einer Sammlerin, Salzburg Dom Cathedral Museum, art and mirical chamber, Salzburg, AT
1999Das Kongo Syndrom, Gallery Traklhaus, Salzburg, AT
1996Tisch des Meeres, Gallery pro arte, Hallein, AT
1994... ein paar besonnte Steine, Siegerlandmuseum, Siegen, DE


2016Cabinet d'Amis: The Accidental Collection of Jan Hoet, Hotel de la Poste, Art Brüssels, Belgium
2015konkret-mehr-raum, Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Germany
2014De Zee - salut d´honneur Jan Hoet, Oostende, Belgium
Daring to ask, Collisions with the Collection Marta, Museum MARTa Herford, DE
2013Middle gate, Gheel, Belgium
Friends in Art 1, Tunn/Prigge, Salzburg, Austria
Tunn/Kotulla, Friedrichstraße 9 - Klingeln bei Kreil, Berlin, Germany
2011Die Unwahrscheinlichkeit des Augenblicks, Works from the collection MARTa Herford, Monschau
2010Unsichtbare Schatten/ Invisible Shadows, MARTa Herford, DE
2009Place of Memory – Place of Vision, Museo di Roma in Trastevere and Galleria Ugo Ferranti, Rom, IT
2007MARTa schweigt, Museum MARTa Herford, DE
2007Skulpturenlandschaft Osnabrück (Silberwald, together with David Svoboda), DE
2005(my private) Heroes, Museum MARTa Herford, DE
2005Interplay. The Hafnarfjördur Institute of Culture and Fine Art, Hafnarborg, IS
2002Aquaria. Über die außergewöhnliche Beziehung von Wasser und Mensch, Landesgalerie am Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseum Linz (AT), und Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, DE
2001Present, Museum für aktuelle Kunst, Arnheim, NL
2000Ihr wart ins Wasser eingeschrieben, exhibition for the project 3 Räume – 3 Flüsse, Packhof Hann. Münden, DE